Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Before the Exodus...

Image courtesy of

In the scriptures, the word "Exodus" is used to describe turning points in the Gospel:
  • ..The tabernacle erected by Moses and the children of Israel was a portable temple. The Israelites used it during their exodus from Egypt.
  • .. in 1838, when the Kirtland Saints were driven out of their homes in Ohio, they headed for Missouri.
  • 1846 began the famous evacuation and trek across Iowa to Winter Quarters, Kanesville, and other staging grounds that became the launching points for Utah.
Today, we have a modern-day Exodus (with a lot less drama!) our friends and ward members are relocating to make way for the important Missionary work to roll forth.  As we make plans for our future, let's take a moment to be thankful for the opportunity that we have all had to live and serve with one another over the past year or years....depending upon how long you have lived in Raintree.

My thanks to Weston Colton for taking these beautiful 'family photos'.  

Ward "Family Photo"  4/15/2013

"Let's have some fun!'

On a personal note, I wanted to express my sincere love and appreciation to you all.  Two months before my husband was called into the Bishopric, we took our youngest son to the Provo MTC and said a tearful goodbye.  Our home was suddenly quiet and 'kidless' (if there is such a word).  After learning of this new call, my middle son informed me that we had "just got rid of our last kid and picked up a couple hundred more".  How true that statement is for me.   I have said tearful goodbyes to all my children, but they usually left home one by one.... not all at once. 

So, as you venture out on the next chapter of your lives, I wish for you every success and blessing that the Lord has in store for you.  I hope you look back upon your time in our Ward with fondness and happiness.  We love you dearly.

Sister H.

P.S.: Here is the video that was shown at the Closing Social.  Just so you know, my 'good' camera stopped working recently, so I was left with using my cellphone camera.  I hope it is still fun for you to watch.  Also, Photobucket would only let me upload 10 minutes worth of the 12 minute video....again my apologies.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Called to Serve......the 2nd Provo MTC

On March 27, 2013 the Members of our Young Single Adult Ward discovered that they would be filling a unique 'Mission Call".  These Young Single Adults soon discovered that their apartments were slated to become the 2nd Provo MTC along with the adjoining Wyview Apartments..  This announcement was a significant surprise that was met with a variety of emotions.  Students scrambled to locate lodging for the Spring/Summer and Fall Semesters while trying to study for Final Exams.  Significant efforts were made to keep important relationships with roommates and ward members intact.  Overall, the outlook is positive.  Our amazing ward had the unique opportunity to see a new chapter of Church History unfolding in an up close and personal manner.

Social Media played an early part:

More Facebook help.....

For those that need a little help in these rough times: feel free to share.

Please feel free to post openings for both men and women. You can also feel free to post panicked pleas for a home. Some people need housing starting at the end of the semester, others not until fall, but this does mess with some plans. This is just a forum for coordination.

In the end, our wonderful members rallied around each other, and took the opportunity to forge a new future not only in Provo, but across the United States and the world.  The impact of this amazing ward will be spreading across the face of the land.